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Triple P Life

Jun 26, 2023

Stef Ziev is a former TV executive turned certified life and executive coach and author of the book: The Choice is Yours: A  Simple Approach to Live and Lead with more Joy, Ease and Purpose. Stef's mission is to help people Iive and lead with more ease, impact and freedom so they can stop going through life with a "have...

Jun 19, 2023

Fatherhood is complicated especially in today's modern culture which deems to minimize the importance of fathers in child rearing. Despite all that, Fathers have never been more important in helping raise emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy kids. I struggled at first to understand what it takes to be a good...

Jun 12, 2023

Succeeding in business is never an easy endeavor, especially when you consider 22.5% of new businesses close after a year. I have personally started and or purchased 16 different businesses over the past 30 years. Fortunately most have been successful but not all. I've discovered that there are very specific traits...

Jun 5, 2023

Think of a time when you were faced with a major change in your life. How did it feel? If you're like most people, it sucked! You probably felt fear because you were moving away from the known to the unknown. Change moves us away from our comfort zone. Change can elicit a myriad of emotions, some positive however many...