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Triple P Life

Aug 30, 2021

The first step to Financial Freedom starts with expanding your money mindset. The clearer you become about what you want your life to look like the greater the likelihood you will make it happen. We also need to understand money is energy. The energy you have about money will either attract more of it to you or push it...

Jul 19, 2021

For most people talking about finances and investing is something they are not comfortable with. Especially if they have a negative mindset around money and wealth. Which is why we have put together The Financial Freedom Summit 2021. To help you identify the money beliefs that are keeping you broke and financially...

Apr 19, 2021

For many people money is a difficult topic to discuss. For some, money is viewed negatively. It is a topic very few families discuss. Most avoid the topic because we lack a true understanding and we don't want to appear financially illiterate. Yet, our country has a very low financial IQ leading to economic despair...