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Triple P Life

Apr 26, 2021

Personal finance should be one of the simplest topics in existence but for many people it is also the most elusive in application. Financial expert and founder of Wealth DynamX, shares his Blueprint to Financial Freedom and how to make money while paying off debt plus, how to not pay taxes legally and get away with it....

Apr 19, 2021

For many people money is a difficult topic to discuss. For some, money is viewed negatively. It is a topic very few families discuss. Most avoid the topic because we lack a true understanding and we don't want to appear financially illiterate. Yet, our country has a very low financial IQ leading to economic despair...

Apr 12, 2021

One of the greatest attributes successful people share is resiliency. Author Rick Hanson speaks about in his book, Resilient, the importance of building your resiliency muscle. This will help you grow an unshakable core of calm, strength and happiness. We will discuss his incredible book and how you can become the...

Apr 5, 2021

It's hard to escape the financial impact of the pandemic. The stock market has crashed and risen many times, unemployment rates have spikes and entire industries have been decimated amidst "stay at home" orders across the country. Now our government is printing money at historic rates that is rapidly devaluing our...