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Triple P Life

Sep 27, 2021

Dealing with addiction is destructive for everyone it touches. From the individual experiencing the addiction and those around them. Overcoming addiction is never easy but especially when it robs us from experiencing our authentic highest self. Angus Nelson shares his story of redemption and personal growth to help men...

Sep 20, 2021

In Aesop's fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, we learn slow and steady is a recipe for success. The Rabbit is naturally is faster and is expected to win easily but along the way he becomes distracted and eventually loses sight his goal, which is to win the race. Why do so many of us become distracted as we pursue our...

Sep 13, 2021

To become a wolf we need to do more than become a beast at home, at the gym or in our workplace. We need to become a beast in our communities by taking a stand for our beliefs. This requires us to have a clear set of guiding principles and values that will never sway us from doing the right things. Becoming a wolf...

Sep 6, 2021

This week we discuss some really important data coming out of Israel and what it potentially means for us here in the states. Also, what are the vaccines doing to people over 50 years old? And, is the CDC only tracking a fraction of the break through cases? Finally, are the vaccines potentially doing more harm...